Used by agencies like the UNHCR and WFP, UNICEF, Catholic Relief Services, Save the Children and others, our technology enables secure, fraud-proof distribution of cash aid, ensuring recipients access funds directly, reliably, and with dignity.

Our systems process over USD$ 1.3 Billion worth of aid assistance per year via iris-enabled ATMs, Blockchain transfers, mobile wallet transfers and replaced food vouchers in supermarkets. We are proud to be serving over 5.8 million beneficiaries, who's entitlements and identities are protected by their eyes.

For food and essential item distributions, we verify recipient's identity at every distribution point, ensuring that food and NFIs reach entitled beneficiaries efficiently and fairly.

Our mobile iris recognition solution allows aid agencies to verify identities and distribute aid in remote or conflict-prone regions, offering secure and flexible support where it’s needed most.

Key Benefits

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100% Accurate Beneficiary Verification

Aid is distributed to verified individuals, eliminating duplicate or incorrect claims and ensuring resources are efficiently allocated.

Anonymity & Dignity

Dignified access to cash, food and NFI assistance without cards, IDs or PINs, ensuring anonymity at every step of the process.

Transparency & Accountability

Assistance distributed to those who are entitled to it with full audit trail for aid donors.

Fast, Contactless Processing

Fast verification, speeding up distribution in any location & enhancing a hygienic and beneficiary centric process.

Existing Use Cases

Partnership with the UNHCR & Cairo Amman Bank

Iris ATM Cash Out

  • 40,000 households
  • 289 iris scanners utilised within the banking enviroment (ATM & teller)
  • 120 ATM locations in Jordan
  • Provisioned to serve the Palestinian community across 30 locations supported by 121 iris scanners

This solution has been extensively used by the UNHCR, WFP, UN Women and dozens of NGOs and retail banks since 2013 across the Middle East as a targeted delivery platform of financial aid to millions of refugees and unbanked populations, processing more than US$ 1.3 billion per annum.

Refugees are able to walk up to an IrisGuard-enabled EyeCash® ATM, present their eye and effortlessly withdraw their allocated cash subsidies instantaneously. The EyeCash® novel solution was selected based on the request from the aid agency in order to provide a dignified, fast, simple and rigorous method of cash delivery to financially include refugees.

Uninterrupted aid distribution during Covid-19

During this global pandemic lockdown, IrisGuard’s contact-free iris recognition technology enabled uninterrupted distribution of cash assistance whilst ensuring Covid-19 social distancing rules are adhered to and importantly, without the need to remove protective gloves or facial masks.

We enabled door-to-door deliveries of cash within refugee camps via our EyePay® mobile device and Zain Cash mobile wallet, we’ve enabled mobile ATMs built into vans which were able to dispense aid cash to the community in locations restricted due to the lockdown.

Fixed locations such as supermarkets within refugee camps and post offices providing cash payments and verification services are operational because there is no physical contact with the equipment and the beneficiaries.

Door to Door Food Distribution during Covid-19
Door to Door Food Distribution during Covid-19

Partnership with the World Food Programme

Grocery purchase on the Blockchain

  • Utilised by 112,000 beneficaries per month
  • Via 50 EyePay stations
  • Across 3 refugee camps (Zaatary, Azraq and KAP:King Abdulla Park)
  • 250,000+ transactions per month
  • Authenticating food aid worth USD$ 3,500,000+ per month

The World Food Programme has deployed our iris recognition technology in supermarkets within refugee camps enabling Syrian refugees to redeem their monthly food assistance instead of using a prepaid electronic card at the checkout counters.

In 2017, IrisGuard’s enhanced its EyeCloud® platform to include the innovative and emerging Blockchain technology called the Building Blocks, the largest ethereum private humanitarian blockchain.

Integrated with our software and hardware, it passes the identifier number returned by the iris scan, therefore removing the need for a private key to be presented.

Deliver Secure, Targeted Aid with Confidence

Enhance the security, transparency, and efficiency of your aid distribution with IrisGuard’s iris recognition technology. Contact us today to learn how our solutions can streamline identity verification, reduce fraud, and ensure aid reaches the people who need it most.