"I am pleased to reconfirm our support of the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption.

In our annual Communication on Progress we disclose our continous efforts to integrate the Ten Principles into our business strategy, culture and daily operations, and contribute to United Nations goals, particularly in the Sustainable Development Goals."

Mr Imad Malhas
Founder & CEO


The principles of the UN Sustainable Development Goals are an important part of the work of IrisGuard UK Ltd and resonate through our Vision and Mission and are within the PRIDE of our brand values.

Our Vision - is a world where digital payments and transactions are trusted, protected and secured through iris recognition, especially for the most vulnerable.

Our Mission - is to be the global leader in leveraging iris recognition as a financial and citizen service platform to provide billions of dollars in cash and services to the millions of unbanked and underserved people.

Brand Values – PRIDE


We have the energy, drive and attitude to never give up


We put human dignity, care and compassion into everything we do


We have the courage and conviction to pioneer the future


We create, originate and construct to the highest standards


We continuously strive to go above and beyond to exceed expectations

Goal 1.4 End poverty in all its forms everywhere

By 2030, ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technology and financial services including microfinance.

How we deliver it: Proof-of-life for real time access to Governmental services and assistance

IrisGuard are working together with the Jordanian Government on developing a system, which would federate a unique digital identity that would be utilised to provide Jordanian citizens with access to large number of Governmental services.

These services would include the verification and authentication of a person’s digital identity for a secure access to land deeds, driving licences and others. To ensure that individuals documents and assets are protected, the Jordanian Government has requested that a digital identity is required to be activated and verified via our iris recognition technology, due to its accuracy, speed, contact-free  nature and zero requirement for any other ID documentation such as cards, card readers, passports or passwords.

IrisGuard’s EyePay® Phone, the world’s first iris enabled mobile verification and payment device will be utilised for one-time only activation, supported by a QR code as a validation token. This service will be available via a number of service points at our partner sites within Jordan Post and Cairo Amman Bank.

Utilising the human iris as the most accurate identifier available today, the beneficiaries will be able to use an app which would give them access to a range of key services 24/7 due to our ability to provide an irrefutable proof-of-life in real time.


Goal 2.1 End hunger

By 2030, end hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round.

How we deliver it: Enabling food aid distribution with Blockchain integration 

IrisGuard realizes and supports the importance of achieving sustainable food security to end hunger, particularly among the poor, vulnerable and displaced populations in Jordan.

Since the Syrian crisis began 11 years ago, the WFP has been supporting more than 100,000 Syrian refugees living in camps in Jordan, providing them with a secure and fast method of paying for groceries using just their eyes without cards, vouchers or any other ID token. In 2021, WFP Jordan provided food assistance to over 1.2m Jordanians and refugees in communities and camps, transferring over USD$ 174m food aid cash.

Working closely with them to provide them with the ability to instantly verify digital identity at a point of purchase, the WFP have deployed our payment authentication platform in their supermarkets. Syrian refugees can redeem their monthly food assistance using just their iris at checkout counters, which is more secure and makes grocery purchases easier and faster, instead of using a prepaid electronic card.

The Saudi King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre have provided additional funding to the World Food Programme, who support 114,000 refugees in the Jordanian Azraq camp. Providing complete accountability that aid assistance is delivered to those entitled to it has become a real requirement by donors and one of the reasons for KSrelief utilising our platform and moving from in-kind to cash support mechanisms.

Goal 5.B Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

By 2030, enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women.

How we deliver it: UNWomen / Salary cash-out

As part of a regional pilot agreement between UN Women and IrisGuard, approximately 400 Syrian refugees have been receiving their salary in cash at the refugee-based supermarkets, using their eyes.

Our system provides privacy, security and dignity as there is no need to provide the till operator with any other ID, they are given a printed receipt and the transaction is instantly recorded on the Blockchain for total transparency. Following the successful pilot project, UN Women are aiming to extend its services utilising this system outside of refugee camps, further increasing financial inclusion for women and closing the gender gap.

Goal 8.10 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Strengthen the capacity of domestic financial institutions to encourage and expand access to banking, insurance and financial services for all.

How we deliver it:

One of our priorities is to help move towards our mission of empowering financial inclusion and to help increase the quality of life through the distribution of useful and accessible financial services.

Each year our platform processes iris payments worth USD $1.3bn, that is 9.3% of total global aid. We
work with banking institutions across 7 countries Yemen, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Ghana and East Timor and we are integrated with 5 financial switch systems incl. MEPS, T24, SmartVista.

The UNHCR and their partner Cairo Amman Bank provide cash assistance to 2.7m unbanked Syrian refugees in Jordan with an iris enabled ATM, with over 45,000 transactions across all our platforms per day.

We continue to work with the WFP in Lebanon, where they support refugees, who are in need of humanitarian aid via Liban Post. Biometric verification solution was required to increase speed, efficiency and to provide 100% accuracy in the verification of refugees.

We work with Iraq E-Gate where our technology is used to provide proof-of-life required for an accurate and targeted pension distribution.

Goal 10C. Reduce inequality within and among countries

By 2030, reduce to less than 3% the transaction costs of migrant remittances and eliminate remittance corridors with costs higher than 5%

How we deliver it: System interoperability enables access to cheaper international transfers

We integrate with merchant platforms of retail banks, Post Offices, remittance agents, money exchangers, switches and mobile wallets.

We work with Ministry of Displacement and Migration (MoDM) Iraq to assist them in providing aid for Internally Displaced Persons – (IDP) and work with Ministry of Social Affairs (MOSA) Lebanon to assist local social welfare as well as the National Aid Fund (NAF) Jordan for the assistance of poor.

Streamlining customer operations by replacing numerous identification documents with a single iris verification while minimising risk through our trusted EyeCloud® technology, we provide migrant workers, IDPs and refugees with a secure digital identity which can be utilised for the receipt of aid, salary assurances and for remittances.

We are able to secure digital ID for homeless and vulnerable populations who do not have ID documents, ensuring that they have access to healthcare and other available services whilst eliminating double-dipping and ghosting.

“We want every refugee to have a unique digital identity. This will enhance accountability and facilitate two-way communication between refugees and service providers. It will also help prevent and reduce statelessness.”

Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 2 October 2017

Goal 16.9 Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies

By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration

How we deliver it: Accurate, non-invasive and save digital identity for life

IrisGuard, in cooperation with UNHCR, has been working with the IOM in Jordan to facilitate the migration of 149,000 refugees to resettlement countries since 2013.

Following the directions of the UNHCR and IOM, we have equipped IOM’s offices in Jordan with IrisGuard's imagers and EyeCloud® components, which are integrated within the UNHCR’s RAIS application.

Whenever a UNHCR registered beneficiary visits the IOM office to apply for migration, the IOM officer can scan the beneficiary’s irises to pull his or her records from the UNHCR, in compliance with the Data Sharing Agreement signed by the two parties.

Furthermore, contracted clinics and health service providers have been equipped with EyeCloud® components and imagers to also identify the beneficiaries by their irises to ensure that the person who is visiting the clinic is the indeed correct person.

Find out more

Our systems are manufactured and designed for easy integration into into services & payment systems. Find out how our contact free verification solutions work in practice or get in touch to discuss your requirements.